Thursday, July 19, 2012

I Choose

Something terrible happened to me, to us. I’ve learned it wasn’t my fault. The shame I carried wasn’t mine to bear. Yet, shame and pain shaped my life.
But I don’t want to be defined in this life by what has happened to me—rather, I’d like to be defined by what I choose to do with what has happened to me. I choose to be whole, empowered, free. I choose to be all that God designs for me to be.

I was ripped off as a child from a healthy, innocent childhood, but I don’t want my future to be stolen as well. I believe I can heal.
To take the healing journey means I continue to open my heart to God’s light and love. When He turns the light on, revealing an area in my life that needs more restoration, I can choose to lower my defense shield and look at it. Shields protected us when we were children, but as an adult, they get in the way and keep us from experiencing the fullness of life. Instead of seeking false refuge behind my self-made protection—I choose to be empowered by healing.

Are you on the healing journey?

 What shields of false protection do you carry?